Through representation from all member communities, Northwest strives to provide, promote and advocate for community economic development locally and regionally.
Northwest Manitoba has full time professional staff to assist would-be entrepreneurs and existing business people to expand the opportunities before them.
Board of Directors
Twelve Directors represent the industrial and aboriginal commununities of Barren Lands First Nation, Brochet, Granville Lake, Kinoosao, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Mathias Colomb Cree Nation, Marcel Colomb First Nation, Northlands First Nation, O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation, Sayisi Dene First Nation, and South Indian Lake.
Board members are appointed by their communities. The Board reviews and approves all funding applications.
Northwest often acts in a partnership capacity with various agencies and associations such as government agencies, Community Future Development Corporations, financial institutions and communities in the North.
By pooling resources and working together on many regional development issues and similar projects, Northwest is able to accomplish more tasks and assist more individuals.